
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A key to providing exceptional customer service is consistency.  It’s not good enough to provide excellent service some of the time – or most of the time – it must be ALL the time.  If you’re the kind of business where outstanding service is the norm, it only takes a few mediocre or poor customer experiences to damage your reputation.

We’re talking about the ability to “recover well” from episodes in which we provided less than stellar service.  You’ve heard the expression that “it’s better to lose the sale than lose the customer.”  I buy into that 100% – because we need to be looking at the long-term value of a customer, not just today’s possible sale.

Here’s a good example: in another life – in another galaxy – I  sold an $8,400 job to one of our largest clients.  We totally screwed up the job – and chose not to “make it right” with the customer.  We replaced only 1/8 of the messed up order.  Over the next 3 years we lost over $150,000 with that one client.  So, we chose to save about $4,000 of cost and ended up losing $150,000 in revenue. “Making it right” is always the best policy in the long run.

And I still keep seeing this talk about how “the customer is king” and “the customer is always right.”  You and I know that isn’t true, don’t we?  Sometimes the customer is wrong – and needs to be told so.  Sometimes the customer is an arrogant nutcase – we need to happily send them to our competitors – with our blessing.  Just let the “customers from hell” take their business elsewhere.

Southwest Airlines tells the story about their CEO, Herb Kelleher, personally contacting a disgruntled customer in San Diego.   He’d complained that, on his flight, he noticed that the toilet paper roll in the bathroom was set up so the TP came off the top of the roll, not the bottom.  This led him to question whether or not Southwest’s planes were mechanically safe – since they couldn’t even get the TP orientation right.  Mr. Kelleher told him 2 things: (1) what the hell was he doing standing upside down in the bathroom?, and (2) he was more than welcome to take his flying business elsewhere.  Herb, bless his soul, understood that sometimes it’s better to send clients elsewhere.  Smile, shake their hand, wish them well, and say goodbye.

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that-vision-thingReading a lot of the alleged “leadership” material, you see that most of it emphasizes the importance of the alleged leader in imparting his vision to the troops.  The assumption is that this guy/gal knows what they’re doing – meaning THEY are the ones most capable of developing and communicating the organization’s vision.   Hey, they’re getting payed about 160 times the annual pay of most of their troops, so they have to be brilliant,  right?  This is just too hard to swallow.  I’m not overly interested in another person’s view of how they want me to fit into THEIR vision – and why would I be?  I’m most interested in my vision, my future, my dreams.

I know of a big company in the Bay Area that shut down for a day (yes, closed their doors for a day) so that ALL of the employees could take part in hashing out the company’s vision for its future.  They’ve been going gangbusters ever since – and why not – they ALL had a part in creating the vision.   They don’t come to work each day to work toward accomplishing someone  else’s vision – they’re working on their own vision for the organization.

I’ll make this even simpler: when was the last time you jumped out of bed on a weekday morning and shouted “Boy, I  can’t wait to work on the company’s vision today!”.   No – we go to work each day to work on what we feel is in our own best self-interest.  Now if my best interest – and that of the company – are on the same path, there’s a pretty good chance that things are gonna work out.  In fact, who knows, we might even move mountains together.  (Sorry about the photo, G.W. – just couldn’t resist)

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farmersIn a stunning development that shocked Washington insiders, 435 owners of small farms across America revolted and took over Congress.  The former members of Congress were flown to France – and told to stay there.   They were given the option of being held in Oregon and forced to listen to NPR 24 hours a day, but none wanted that option.

What the “citizen congressmen” have been able to accomplish in only 3 days in office is simply breathtaking:

* A national flat-tax (15%) was installed as the sole income tax on individuals and corporations.   The huge increase in personal & corporate incomes have generated millions of new jobs, huge increases in charitable donations, thriving non-profits, and a return to manufacturing dominance.  The enormous increase in tax revenue has completely eliminated the national debt already.

*Congress will work only 4 months per year – with a pay reduction of 66%.  Term limits are mandatory – 1 term.  Lobbyists who are found near a congressmen will face stiff prison terms.  Pleasure trips (to places like Copenhagen) will no longer be funded by the government.

*Adequate troop levels and weapons were finally given to our forces in Iraq & Afghanistan, as the military had requested.  Both wars should be wrapped up in the next 2 weeks – with all troops coming home.  Many of these soldiers have requested being stationed on the U.S./Mexico border, which will be closed.

*The imaginary “health care crisis” was solved immediately.  Tort reform was instituted to rein in lawyers; all insurance companies are allowed to operate across state lines (driving down costs); and the individual states or local govt. (not the fed’l govt.) will administer health-related programs.

* Five cabinet-level departments were eliminated entirely.  The U.S. opted out of the U.N. and suggested it could be relocated to Cuba.  The former U.N. property has been sold to Donald Trump.  The farmers like this guy, in spite of his comb-over.

*A national spending freeze was instituted on their 1st day: any new spending requires that a govt. program of equal cost be eliminated at the same time.  “Zero-based” budgeting was instituted at the federal level.

*All activities and rights (not specifically given to the fed’l govt. in the Constitution) were returned to the States.  Congress will no longer hold endless hearings on the college football playoff system, how much text messaging is allowed, motorcycle helmets, endangered species and plastic grocery bags.

The public overwhelming has begged the 435 farmers to take over the executive branch, but the farmers insist that it could be adequately handled by any 15-20  janitors or truck drivers.

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helping handjpgI’ve just been blown away recently by the generosity and unselfishness of many of my business cyberworld contacts.  It’s made me stop and really take a hard look at why I like social networking, blogging, etc. – and what the real purpose is.  I’ve been quick to point out the value of the “pay it forward” way of conducting ourselves – but often I’ve been ignoring my own advice.  What an idiot.

There’s a strong pull on social networks (& LinkedIn might be the best/worst example!) to build a huge empire of contacts – simply for our own ego.  I’ve been plenty guilty.  But can we really help (serve) all those contacts and friends?  Or do we just want an impressive quantity of contacts?  Can we really be that helpful to 1,000’s of cyber-friends?   I’m not so sure.

I’ve decided to try  going back through my own contact list  and see how, if at all, I can be of service to them –  to see if I can help their business life in some way.  A very small thing maybe, but a start to being more like those wonderful people on my contact list who send me encouragement regularly – while expecting nothing in return.  You gotta love those people.   Just when you think nobody’s listening to your blog….somebody always seems to write you with the encouragement to keep sharing.  They seem to magically right on time.  God Bless Em’.

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